Sunday, 15 April 2012

Mari Hannah

Ok, so I've officially failed to complete the A to Z challenge as it was set out. Due to a busy week, I didn't post Friday or Saturday. This means I'm missing out the letter L and posting M on a Sunday. Even though I have technically failed, I am going to continue posting and visiting fellow blogging participants.

Today, M is for Mari Hannah. An absolutely lovely crime writer I had the pleasure of meeting at last years Harrogate crime writing festival and have caught up with a few times since.

Last week saw the release of her debut crime novel, The Murder Wall, in the UK. I haven't had chance to read the book yet, but I am really looking forward to reading it. This isn't a recommendation of a book I've read, but it is a recommendation to check out Mari's website and read the blurb if you are a crime fiction reader. The book has a fabulous cover and Mari has ten years experience as a probation officer to support her knowledge of the world of criminals.

The Murder Wall has been described by one of the country's top crime writers, Peter James, as "Brutal and engaging. Mari Hannah writes with a sharp eye and a dark heart."

You can find Mari on her website Mari


  1. Lots of people have missed one or more posts, and caught up later. You haven't failed - you're still part of the madness!

  2. I've never heard of this author. Thanks for the info.

    I'm sorry you missed a post, but glad you're still participating.

  3. I'm falling behind too and forgot we had Sunday off, thankgoodness! I am not a crime reader or writer, so this is refrehsing and new.

  4. I like the fact the author has a background to add depth to her book. I will look out for it.

    Life can get in the way of blogging at times. :D

  5. I was wondering where you were, you do far better at your blogging than I do xx

  6. You are not a failure for missing a post or two, or even if you can't complete the challenge. Sometimes life requires more important things of us, which is the way it should be.

    Not being much into mystery (does Hiaasen count?) I'm not familiar with Ms. Hannah at all.

  7. Oh Heavens you have NOT just happens with all the demands of the challenge and life and well, so what? tomorrow is a new day Scarlet!

  8. I will have to look her up! I love murder mysteries; my favorite author is Elizabeth George.

    Failed? P-shaw! You are merely thinking about things carefully.

  9. Great sounding book, will keep an eye out for it. x

  10. There are so many good books out there, it takes more than a lifetime to read them all :/

  11. I'd never heard of this author but her works sounds like just the type of book I love. Thanks for the recommendation!!

    I'm glad you're still participating, I got behind last week too.

  12. Looks like a great read!

    I'm glad you're still hanging in with A-Z.

  13. Looks great I am also a A to Z challenger and would love it if you come visit me at
