Saturday, 29 October 2011

The Wanderer Returns

It's been a while since I last came on my blog. There are a couple of reasons for this.

Firstly, because, on a personal note, I've generally had a terrible month and my blog and Facebook were forgotten about for a while. I continued in my attempts to keep moving my writing forward but there was little energy left for much else

Secondly, when I did find a place where the personal stuff had been dealt with in my small headspace, the writing took over. I've been so busy with a self imposed deadline of mid November to complete this by, that I'm going into a bit of a panic and doing little else but writing when I can. This again affects my blogging as you have seen.

The reason for this push on the writing front is when I've finished the manuscript I'm sending it out into the big wide world on submission. A scary process but one as writers we have to take.

I realised though, that I should start to give my blog some love again and catch up with everyone. So I hope some of you remember me. I'm looking forward to catching up and finding out what you've been up to.